
Resolving insured agriculture losses quickly, efficiently and effectively.


Sedgwick’s global agriculture specialist practice group incorporates aquaculture, forestry and equine. Our structured, worldwide network of expert major loss adjusters are dedicated to managing large and complex losses within the agricultural, food and energy sector.

Our comprehensive understanding of the agricultural insurance market is underpinned by unrivalled technical knowledge of traditional and modern farming, rural business and affinity industries.

Specialist support on a global scale.

Our experience

Ready when you need us

We understand the day-to-day pressures of global agriculture – and its growing complexity. By covering all local key agricultural business sectors and working with underwriters, brokers and claims staff, we’re able to give specific advice, 风险洞察力, product development opinion and training.

Our adjusting teams ensure high-quality claims management and continuity of reporting, driven by cutting-edge technology and the unrivalled expertise within our worldwide agricultural network.

Anywhere in the world

Our market-leading specialists – with hands-on industry experience, insurance expertise and in-depth understanding of the commercial, contractual and financial arrangements prevalent in the global agricultural sector – are ready to respond and assist whenever and wherever a loss occurs.