
有效的沟通从来没有像今天这样重要, 特别是在时间紧迫的产品召回情况下. Elevate consumer confidence 和 safeguard br和 integrity through our expert call center solutions.


当产品的安全性受到质疑时, 人们想要的不仅仅是答案, especially in the digital age when information 和 misinformation spread rapidly.

消费者希望他们的担忧被倾听. They expect a trustworthy individual on the other side that takes the time to listen, empathize 和 provide clear 和 accurate guidance on the actions to follow should they possess a 有缺陷的 product. 他们希望在整个过程中得到支持.

深受世界知名品牌信赖, our call centers have successfully managed millions of inquiries stemming from over 7,000 of the most sensitive 和 time-critical product recall 和 crisis events. 我们25年以上的业绩记录遍布100多个国家, 50多种语言 和 all major industries – positions us at the leading authority in product recall contact center management.


灵活性 & 可伸缩性需求

您是否需要入站或出站通信支持, 通过电话或多个渠道, 在国内或全球范围内, 我们可以满足你的需要.


  • A dedicated team of br和 ambassadors trained to document, diagnose 和 resolve customer concerns. We accurately prescribe next steps to every inquiry 和 escalate issues according to your preferred protocols.
  • Instant on-dem和 support that adds flexibility 和 agility to your existing customer engagement infrastructure, alleviating pressure on resources as call volumes surge 和 ensuring vital day-to-day business operations are not compromised.
  • 大小和持续时间的可伸缩性, from short-term engagements to long-term programs in response to one-time product recalls or persistent issues. 灵活性按需-只需拨号上下所需.


通过优先考虑客户体验, 我们的呼叫中心帮助您将客户变成回头客, 把忠实的顾客变成品牌的拥护者.

DT电子游戏官方网站手机网址品牌保护, you have 24-7-365 access to a global team of br和 ambassadors ready to field calls from concerned customers. Our expertise extends beyond the h和ling 和 resolution of product recall inquiries, to encompass a wide range of business 和 product related challenges – from 市场退出s, 产品安全提醒, 纠正措施方案, 售后保修管理, 还有更多.

不管你需要什么, we have the expertise 和 resources to provide complete in- 和 out-bound after-sales support. 自1995年以来一直受到世界领先品牌的信赖, 了解我们全面的呼叫中心解决方案如何为您提供支持.



Case study: establishing a 400 agent call center to h和le 70K life-critical inquiries, 在48小时内.

当监管机构要求立即召回时, companies have little choice but to comply – regardless of whether they are prepared or not.

Explore our case study spotlighting our rapid response to an urgent nationwide recall, 由行业监管机构单方面宣布. Discover how we expeditiously scaled call center operations on behalf of one of the world’s most prestigious br和s to remedy a product crucial to user’s lives.

Gain insights into how our comprehensive 和 scalable call center solutions ensure manufacturer 和 retailer readiness for such unforeseen, 和执行, 紧急情况.



Case study: establishing a 300 agent call center to h和le 175K inquiries 和 5M SKUs, 在24小时内.

Explore our case study showcasing our immediate response to an urgent recall on a high-dem和 product that was gaining national media coverage. Discover how we rapidly mobilized a 24/7 300 agent in- 和 out-bound call center 在24小时内, managing 5 million units 和 175K calls with zero drops or busy signals.

深入了解我们全面和可扩展的解决方案, 确保未雨绸缪, 备受瞩目的, 紧急情况, 保护制造商和供应链合作伙伴的品牌.




超过25年, companies of all sizes 和 sectors have trusted our expertise in preparing for 和 managing their product-related challenges. 自1995年以来,我们成功地管理 超过7000人 of the most sensitive 和 time-critical product recall programs, spanning 100个国家50多种语言.

Whether your in-house teams need scalability to maintain daily operations during a product crisis, 或者您需要一个完整的端到端产品召回解决方案, 我们有经验来保护您的品牌和安心.

如果你目前正面临产品召回, 或者试图提高你的回忆准备, 现在DT电子游戏官方网站.



Whether you need scalability to maintain daily operations during a product crisis, or require a comprehensive end-to-end product recall solution from recall-readiness audit 和 mock recall simulation, 通过现场活动和监管清仓, we have the experience 和 resources to help protect your br和 和 bottom-line.


虽然它们可能不会被召回, 有缺陷的, damaged or out of specification products can cause significant financial 和 reputational damage. 发现我们如何定位, 撤回, 取代, 重新利用和回收市场上的违规(未召回)产品.


无论你是否正在计划——或者目前正面临——产品召回, 市场退出, 或者其他市场上的产品事故, 我们的专家随时为您提供支持.